Marek Sobczyk, Prosta tęcza, 2019

The Society for the
Encouragement of Fine Arts

Join us and be up to date with art

Who are we?

As one of the oldest European organisations supporting the arts, the Society for the Encouragement of Fine Arts links the past with the present.

Today the Society consists of a group of art lovers who wish to actively contribute to the gallery’s programme, focusing mainly on projects related to artistic education. In November 2013, the Society was granted the status of a public benefit organization. In 2014, the Society organised a series of study visits for teachers from all over Poland titled Art Alphabet: How to Read Contemporary Art. The Society supports the Zachęta Gallery in its policy of providing open resources – the gallery offers access to its collection and educational materials via a specially designed webpage, In addition, the Society for the Encouragement of Fine Arts, in cooperation with the Zachęta Gallery and other organizations, is in the process of developing a flagship project comprising an on-line educational tool licensed by Creative Commons that is designed to help more people study and enjoy contemporary art. The Society for the Encouragement of Fine Arts focuses on the challenges of the present, but draws extensively on its past.

The main goal of the Society, which was first established in 1860, was originally to promote and support Polish art and artists at a time when Poland did not exist as an independent state. Among the founders and members of the Society were the most prominent representatives of Warsaw’s social and cultural life, such as painters Wojciech Gerson, Julian Fałat, and Leon Wyczółkowski, writer Henryk Sienkiewicz, banker Leopold Kronenberg and philanthropist Feliks Sobański.

The Society not only founded a national collection of art, but also made its mark by educating and inspiring new generations of art lovers. One of the most prominent achievements of the Society, made possible due to the hard work of its members and the generosity of donors, was the construction of the Society’s headquarters in 1900. Designed by Warsaw architect Stefan Szyller, to this day it is the seat of one of the most important Polish art institutions, the Zachęta National Gallery of Art, which established itself as the natural successor to the Society and has continued its traditions.

The Society for the Encouragement of Fine Arts was dissolved after World War II, but was re-established in 1991 by the Zachęta Gallery.

The Board

Natalia Hojny – President
Agata Wejchert-Dworniak – Vice President
Jakub Biegaj – Secretary
Monika Kordowska
Justyna Szylman

Auditing Commission

Urszula Strykier
Janusz Mieloszyk
Olga Wysocka

Membership programs

Choose your membership program and explore contemporary art with us.

of Zachęta

Lets you:
  • bezpłatnego wstępu na wszystkie wystawy w Zachęcie w danym roku
  • udziału (wraz z osobą towarzyszącą) w spotkaniach organizowanych przez TZSP
  • zniżki w księgarni Zachęty 10%, na wydawnictwa Zachęty 20%
  • enjoy an unlimited free admission to all exhibitions in Zachęta – National Gallery of Art during the season
  • attend all events organized by the Society, such as private views and previews of the exhibitions
  • enjoy a 10% discount in the bistro “Po Prostu Zachęta”, 10% in the bookshop (20% for publications of Zachęta)

of Zachęta

Lets you:
  • wszystkich przywilejów Przyjaciela Zachęty
  • udziału w specjalnie organizowanych wyjazdach na wybrane corocznie targi sztuki oraz zaproszeń na preview targów
  • zorganizowania raz do roku oprowadzania przez przewodnika po dowolnie wybranej wystawie w Zachęcie dla 15 gości
  • jednorazowego wynajęcia pokoju konferencyjnego Zachęty na spotkanie do 20 osób (koszty administracyjne)
  • wymienienia w rocznym raporcie z działalności TZSP
  • enjoy all benefits of the Friend of Zachęta
  • participate in organised group visits to selected art fairs
  • enjoy invitations to the press days of the International Art Exhibition and International Architecture Exhibition in Venice
  • organize for your guests exclusively a guided tour of a selected exhibition in Zachęta (up to 15 guests)
  • participate in an annual benefactor dinner with the Director of Zachęta
  • organize an event in the conference room of Zachęta (up to 20 guests)


Being part of the Arts Council is a privilege for art patrons with a long established support for culture. The donation will be assigned for the support of the collection of Zachęta – National Gallery of Art.

Being a Member of the Arts Council lets you:
  • Wszystkich przywilejów Przyjaciela Zachęty i Mecenasa Zachęty
  • zagwarantowanego udziału w dniach prasowych Biennale Sztuki i Biennale Architektury w Wenecji oraz preview wszystkich najważniejszych targów sztuki w Europie i na świecie
  • udziału w corocznej uroczystej z zarządem Towarzystwa i zaproszonymi artystami
  • specjalnego prezentu od Galerii Niuans przy odbiorze karty członkowskiej
  • enjoy all the benefits of the Friend of Zachęta and patron of Zachęta
  • guarantied invitations to the press days of the International Art Exhibition and International Architecture Exhibition in Venice and preview of selected art fairs
  • participate in an annual benefactor dinner with the Director of Zachęta
  • a gift of design from the collection of Galeria Niuans
  • all the Members of the Arts Council will be mentioned in the Annual Report of Zachęta


Our program of events includes curatorial tours of major exhibitions, meetings with artists, and tours to the most important contemporary art exhibitions in Poland and abroad. In addition, patrons and patrons of the Society are invited to previews of prestigious art fairs and press days of the Venice Art Biennale.

Discover more of our events.


The Society engages in a number of educational and philanthropic initiatives. We organize trainings about contemporary art and support artists through special scholarship programs. We will soon present the results of the "Open Encouragement" project, which we have been working on since 2018.

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    Towarzystwo Zachęty Sztuk Pięknych

    PKO BP PL 46 1020 1097 0000 7002 0109 2741
    Beneficiary bank code: BPKOPLPW

    Title: Membership program

    Polityka prywatności | Regulamin