Weekend in Lublin – part 2

In March, after a two-year break, the Lublin Castle, which houses the National Museum in Lublin, reopened to visitors. Being in Lublin, we could not miss the opportunity to see the newly created permanent exhibition “The Castle and Avant-garde Group”. It features works by Lublin-based avant-garde artists, which are the hallmark of the museum. The core of the exhibition, which was shown to us by its curator, Marcin Lachowski, is a presentation of the work of an avant-garde artistic group active in the second half of the 1950s in Lublin, whose name is associated with the Lublin castle – a place of the first meetings of young artists. The gallery reflects the most important tropes of modern and neo-avant-garde art related to the artistic life of Lublin, which presents in relation to the work of the classics of the Polish post-war avant-garde. Thus, the exhibition features works by leading representatives of the Zamek Group – Jan Ziemski, Włodzimierz Borowski, Tytus Dzieduszycki, alongside those by Tadeusz Rolke, Wojciech Fangor or Andrzej Wróblewski.

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